

Section 192


 a) Payer :- Employer
 b) Payee :- Employee
 c) Rate :- Slab Rate
 d) Time to deduct TDS :- At the time of payment
Special notes

1) Applicability of TDS in case of salary received from more than one employer

If any person engaged with two or more employers simultaneously, then such person can provide details about your salary and TDS in form 12B to any one of employer. The employer to whom the details is provided in form 12B shall be responsible to deduct TDS after considering details so provided.

2) Applicability of TDS in case of non monetary perquisites

If tax on non monetary perquisites is borne by employer than No TDS is required to be deducted from salary.

3) Applicability of TDS in case of Tips

If tips are paid to waiter directly by customer or through the employer (which may be paid by customer ) same would not be part of salary, hence employer is not required to deduct TDS.

4) Applicability of TDS in case of payment made to doctor

Payment made to doctor shall be consider as professional service, hence TDS is deducted under section 194J, as doctor were not in employment as per agreement. But if there is "contract of service" then TDS is deducted under section 192.

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