

What are the Advantages of Trademark ?

1) Exclusive Right

Trademark provides exclusive rights to the owner of Registered Trademark to use goods or services.The owner of registered trademark can use the same for the products falling under the class(es) applied.The owner of trademark can stop other from unauthorised use of the trademark Under the same class where it is registered.

2) Differentiate Product

It makes easy for customer to find your products.Trademark Differentiate Your products from products of other competitors in the market.

3) Legal Protection

No other person or competitors can use logo or word-mark or design registered under trademark.However, if in any case any one uses Without the approval of owner of registered trademark,the owner can get the legal protection against it.

4) Creation of Assets

It creates an Intangible assets for an organisation.Trademark can be sold, franchised or commercially contracted to a third party.

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