

Duties and Powers of Anti Profiteering Committee

The Anti Profiteering Committee shall exercise such powers and discharge such function as may be prescribed.


The Authority can determine the methodology and procedure for determination as to whether the reduction in the rate of tax on the supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit has been passed on by the registered Person to the recipient by way of commensurate reduction in prices.


✓ To determine whether any reduction in the rate of tax on any supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit has been passed on to the recipient by way of commensurate reduction in prices

✓ To identify the registered person who has not passed on such benefit 

✓ To order 

> Reduction in prices

Return to the recipient, an amount equivalent to the amount not passed on by way of commensurate reduction in prices along with interest at the rate of 18% from the date of collection of the higher amount till the date of the return of such amount

> Recovery of the amount not returned, in case the eligible person does not claim return of the amount or is not identifiable, and depositing the same in the consumer welfare fund

> Imposition of penalty

> Cancellation of registration

✓ To furnish a performance report to the GST Council by 10th of the month succeeding each quarter

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