

Features of warehousing

1) Importer can defer payment of import duties
2) Importer can store the goods in a safe place
3) Impoter allowed to do manufacture in bonded warehouse and thenbre export from it
4) The importer can be allowed to keep the goods upto 1 year without payment of duty from the date he deposited the goods into warehouse
5) The importer minimises the charges by keeping in a warehouse, otherwise the demurrage charges at port is heavy.
6) The commissioner or principal commisioner of customs may licence private warehouse
7) Only dutiable goods can be deposited in the warehouse
8) Green bill of entry has to be submitted by the importer to clear goods from warehouse for home consumption
9) Rate of duty is applicable as on the date of presentation of bill of entry (i.e. sub bill of entry or ex-bond bill of entry) for home consumption
10) Reassessment is not allowed after the imported goods originally assessed and warehoused

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